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Home Tuition for Craft and Design and Computer Studies / I.T. in Helensburgh

Hi I am James, I am a "traditigital" artist based near Glasgow. I graduated in Interior Design (applied design) from Edinburgh College of Art in 1999 and since then I worked in the 3D graphics industry making visualisations for architects, engineers, and entertainment companies. I still do freelance work in these sectors today. As well as that I produce my own products and art, I have been featured in two two page articles about me in the international 3D World magazine and I have had two short animated films featured in Channel 4 film festivals.

Over the past few years, I have been working at FabLabs. I did art residencies in Fabrication Labs in Montreal, London and Iceland and recently finished a contract working at a FabLab in North Devon. This has made me an expert with 3D printing, Lasercutting and Vinyl Cutting.

I advocate traditional drawing and I have been making a draweveryday for the last few years on Instagram and Twitter.

In my spare time, I love world travel, swimming and films.

Tutoring Experience

I regularly do bank lecturing at the UHI in Fort William. Over the years, I have given 3D print workshops, Lasercutting workshops, drawing workshops and 3D graphics workshops to all ages. Both in learning centres and one to one tuition either on Skype or in reality.

I also have a YouTube channel with learning mini tutorials every Sunday.

Tutoring Approach

With each individual learner, I try to find what they want. Be it a qualification, entry to an art college or their own personal or commercial aims.
Learners in the past have been really please with their experiences.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Edinburgh College Of Art1999BachelorsBA (HONS) Applied Design Interior Design
International House Sevilla, Spain2011ProfessionalCELTA
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
First lesson is free!
Craft and DesignIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£30£24
Computer Studies / I.T.In-personOnline
Casual Learner£30£24
Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£30£24
Media / Communication StudiesIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£30£24
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