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Private Chemistry and Biology Tutor in Newcastle

I am an Academic Clinical Fellow performing research into dementia. I obtained my medical degree at the University of Oxford. I have an undergraduate degree in Neuroscience and have published research papers on COVID-19, epilepsy and medical education.

I have experience in tutoring for BMAT and medical school interviews and have been doing so for the last 10 years.

Additionally medical school can be difficult at times. I am keen to use my knowledge and experience to guide others through areas they may find difficult. I have a special interest in physiology, neurology - though I am able to provide tuition in all areas of the curriculum.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience providing a wide range of tuition. I have also helped people out with personal statements and university applications for medicine, averaging over 3 offers each. I realise that the application process can be daunting and am keen to use my own experience to help others.

Additionally I have provided tuition to many University students across Medical and Neuroscience degrees.

Tutoring Approach

Ultimately these sessions are about maximising your time and effort and I hope to engage with you in a manner that allows this.

For interview practice the focus will be on the areas of knowledge and qualities expected by medical schools. I aim to provide a realistic experience designed to ensure that on the day my tutee's do not have to worry about what might come up and can simply focus on being themselves.

For BMAT sessions I aim to equip tutees with a range of skills and methods to approach questions while also instilling a robust exam technique and confidence to tackle the test.

For specific subjects I focus on ensuring tutees understand topics at a foundational level to allow strong and intuitive learning of more complex areas of the syllabus. These sessions are tailored to a tutees learning style, previous tutees have used these sessions to review lecture slides, textbook chapters and prepare exam papers.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Oxford 2015Bachelors2:1 BA Hons Medical Science
University of Oxford2018BachelorsBMBCh

Alexander's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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