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As an individual, I am a very determined person who aims to succeed at every task I undertake. I am a confident individual who believes in working hard to achieve the highest goals set out. I am willing to learn new skills and widen my knowledge.
I am able to work not only as a team player but also as a leader. I feel my various skills and abilities will prove to be beneficial.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught Mathematics in Secondary School with sixth form to students aged ranging from 11-18 years olds for over a decade. I possess sterling qualities to handle students of various abilities. My teaching strategies and methods radiate enthusiasm and motivate students to have high interest in the learning of Mathematics. I am able to teach Maths effectively with new technologies (ICT) to meet the needs of all students.
I am a Behaviour Management specialist as I have special skills in identifying the cause of unacceptable behaviours in schools.

Tutoring Approach

l I taught Maths to KS4 and KS3 students and achieved 99% (A*- C) in my set 2 Year 11 class and majority of my students achieving their Expected/Target grade.
I led the team that revised the current KS3 SOW and ensure the new Scheme is up to date in enrichment tasks and functional skills with relevance to day to day life.
I led the moderation of all maths assessment in the department and ensure that the assessment result are reliable and made recommendations to its improvement.
I ensure that absent staff are adequately covered and supported and this made the maths department stand out in terms of continuity of teaching.
I was in charge of non-specialist maths teachers who helped in keeping the department going when the school change to Maths every day for all students.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Lagos State University1992BachelorsB.Sc(Ed) Maths
Lagos State College of Edycation1988CollegeNCE Maths/Econs
African Church Grammar School1983SchoolGCSE & A*-C

James's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Combined ScienceIn-personOnline
Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Special NeedsIn-personOnline
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